W. Cardone Productions introduces something revolutionary in the legacy duplication to digital industry—truly custom titles.
The concept is simple.
We supply the client with a Microsoft PowerPoint template file having slides that are the precise size needed for placement on a 1080p sequence frame.
What does this mean?
This means that the client is given a clean slate to do whatever he or she wants to do with it. What ever the client puts on the slide will be treated like a photograph or bitmap image. The client may decide to have a special background appearing on all of the titles for his or her project. There may be a theme of fonts and sizing used.
What are the drawbacks?
Great things always come with a price. The drawback is that most clients will not realize the limitations of titles and try to put too much on the title. The end result is that we have a title slide for a film that is difficult to read or maybe it just looks out of place.
How do we fix these drawbacks?
Listen up folks, this is incredible: The same technology that enabled the client to view his or her media and develop relevant titles is the same technology that fixes this most incredible drawback. We put up full-scale proofs on the same password-protected website of the titles as they appear in the movie itself. But we only upload the opening seconds of the film or video so that the client can see how the titles appear in its native environment and for what duration it plays.
“But I decided not to use titles after all.”
Let’s suppose that after viewing the titles in their native environment that the client decides that titles are not for him or her or at least not appropriate for this project. In that case, we revert to the overall W. Cardone Productions philosophy of…you don’t get noth’n (except your originals back), so you don’t pay noth’n. We think that is a pretty simple philosophy. After all, this is not about us, it’s about the client and how do we develop happy clients.
Why can we offer this service so cheap?
The secret to this reasonably priced titling philosophy is that our labor is minimized. The client does all of the labor. Our part is limited to providing the client with the PowerPoint template and accepting an edited version of it back. Our next step is then to drag-and-drop each slide to its appropriate destination where it will ALWAYS fit exactly. The only thing left for us is to specify in the timeline the duration that the slide is to appear for. We then run off a full-resolution movie proof having one or two seconds preceding the slide and one or two seconds succeeding the title slide.
Why have titles in the first place?
The client is asked to put him or herself in the position of the viewers. First, who are the viewers? Many may think that it will be the immediate family and that everyone already knows everything making titles irrelevant. But what about the unborn children of those same viewers? Does that change one’s thinking somewhat?
What is W. Cardone Productions all about?
Our job at W. Cardone Productions is firstly to have satisfied customers. But more than that, we demand that customers remain thinking that somebody was in their corner helping them along the way. Everybody thinks about the imaging itself in duplication to digital. But that is only half the battle. Viewing the finished product by perhaps an undefined audience is the other half of the battle. There are many facets of legacy media duplication to digital that most people don’t think about. Many of these things, when brought to mind, become all too apparent and no-brainers. If the originators of any one particular video or film are still alive, they can be queried for information. Also, as long as the original media is still around and easily manually linked with its digital duplication, hits can often be extracted from that original media. That is why it is so critical to maintain an easily identified link between your digital duplication and its original media.
If you are considering adding titles to your legacy media deliverables, we are here to help you with ideas and concepts that will enhance your overall viewing experience.